
Antifungal Susceptibility of Candida Strains Isolated from Patients with Vaginal Candidiasis at the Centre University Hospitalist of Brazzaville

Objective: To study the sensitivity to antifungal agents of Candida strains isolated from vaginal candidiasis at the Brazzaville University hospital.

Materials and methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted from 8 July to 8 October 2019 in the parasitology mycology department of the Brazzaville University Hospital centre. Candida strains isolated from vaginal samples were subjected to an in vitro sensitivity study using the Sabouraud disc diffusion method. The sensitivity of Candida to antifungal agents and their activity on Candida strains were assessed.

Results: The median age was 32 years (q1: 24 and q3:40 years). The most common age group was (25-35 years): 30.9%. C. non-albicans was present in 64.7% (22/34) of cases. Candida albicans was found in 35.3% of cases (12/34). Sensitivity to antifungal agents varied according to species. Econazole had a sensitivity of 70.6%, miconazole 38.2% and ketoconazole 64.7%. Itraconazole and fluconazole were resistant to 79.4% and 58.8% respectively. All Candida strains were sensitive to econazole. They had good sensitivity to miconazole.

Conclusion: The sensitivity of Candida strains to antifungal agents was reduced overall. Econazole remains the antifungal still active on all Candida strains.

Author(s): Sekangue Obili G*, Potokoue Mpia NSB, Buambo G, Ossibi Ibara BR, Djendja Ingoba I, Gackosso G, Ossere RR, Onanga Koumou Lendongo, Itoua C

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